Politics, Communities and People

The Abandoned “Paupers Cemetery” Bartow County Poor Farm and Paupers Cemetery – Sanford Chandler, Ed.D.


By:  Sanford Chandler, Ed.D. I received a note from Mr. Ronnie Yancey asking for my assistance.  Mr. Yancey was attempting to visit the burial site of one of his relatives in an abandoned cemetery behind Toyo Tire Manufacturing, Company.   He asked if I could assist him in gaining access to [...]

The Abandoned “Paupers Cemetery” Bartow County Poor Farm and Paupers Cemetery – Sanford Chandler, Ed.D.2024-01-29T16:27:21-05:00

The Dark Era of Bartow’s Chain Gang Camps – Joe F. Head


By: Joe F. Head Georgia’s chain gang system operated for almost 100 years and in certain instances concealed ghastly conditions that eventually earned it an infamous reputation for hotspots of dark brutality. Unfortunately, Bartow County equally caught high profile attention regarding cruel convict treatment. Periodically, Bartow camps became the epicenter [...]

The Dark Era of Bartow’s Chain Gang Camps – Joe F. Head2025-03-10T16:47:15-04:00

Jessica Daves: Bartow’s Historic Fashionista – Debbie Head


Editor-in-Chief, Vogue Magazine, 1952-62. By Debbie Head, March 2021 (The inspiration for this article came while looking through the EVHS website for Women's History Month ideas. There was a one-sentence description containing the name Jessica Daves indicating her position as editor of Vogue. I wanted to know more. In April [...]

Jessica Daves: Bartow’s Historic Fashionista – Debbie Head2024-01-29T16:30:06-05:00

Bartow’s Early Christmas Heritage – Matthew Gramling


Amidst the Holly and Pine: Memories and the Meaning of Christmas in Bartow County By Matthew Gramling             When one thinks of the Christmas season a host of memories tend to flood the mind. Usually we are drawn to a nostalgic remembrance of those traditions which have a particularly special [...]

Bartow’s Early Christmas Heritage – Matthew Gramling2024-01-29T16:32:02-05:00

Cartersville’s COVID Chronicles – Debbie and Joe F. Head


April 2020 - by  Debbie and Joe Head The Show Will Go On In 2020, Bartow County, along with the rest of the nation, added a chapter to our local heritage as the community navigated its way through the COVID-19 pandemic. This article is intended to provide a snapshot [...]

Cartersville’s COVID Chronicles – Debbie and Joe F. Head2024-01-29T16:32:41-05:00

COVID-19 Not Bartow’s First Social Distancing Epidemic – Joe F. Head


By Joe Head April 12, 2020 Homemade masks during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 Never in a hundred years! How often have you heard or uttered that phrase meaning you will not see such an event in your lifetime? Well, it is now the 100 years!   Twenty years into [...]

COVID-19 Not Bartow’s First Social Distancing Epidemic – Joe F. Head2024-01-29T16:33:39-05:00

An Efficient Fire Department for the City of Cartersville – Sam Graham


Sam Graham This brief paper covers the changes in Cartersville’s fire service from 1867, when there was no fire department, until 1918, when the fire service included a municipal water system, full-time professional firefighters and a motorized engine; the basics of the system which is still in use today. Early [...]

An Efficient Fire Department for the City of Cartersville – Sam Graham2024-01-29T16:34:44-05:00

TINSLEY PARK: Cartersville’s First Park and Golf Course – Guy Parmenter


The following article was published in The Tribune-News, June 27, 1929, under the title “Local Golf Course Has Important and Noticeable Niche in Sportdom”. As wheels of progress turned their cycles towards greater industry and business for Cartersville and Bartow County, they made an extra revelation in order that sports [...]

TINSLEY PARK: Cartersville’s First Park and Golf Course – Guy Parmenter2024-01-29T16:36:33-05:00

Amos T. Akerman – Guy Parmenter


by Guy Parmenter Many of our forefathers who endured the hardships of a time we can now only read about can still be found today resting peacefully in the numerous cemeteries which dot the landscape throughout Bartow County. Nowhere else is it possible to look so deeply into our past. [...]

Amos T. Akerman – Guy Parmenter2024-01-29T16:37:20-05:00

Ascension Church’s Beginnings: 1844 to 1907 – Peggy L. Brown


By Peggy L. BrownSenior Warden, Church of the Ascension, 2019 On the occasion of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension’s 175th anniversary as a congregation, I asked our rector, the Very Rev. Mary K. Erickson, how the church today is connected to the one in 1844.  “We have been proclaiming [...]

Ascension Church’s Beginnings: 1844 to 1907 – Peggy L. Brown2024-01-29T16:38:24-05:00
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