Politics, Communities and People

Rev Sam Jones, Wonder of the Congregations – Rev. Scott W. Shepard, PhD


Rev. Sam P. Jones Wonder of the Congregations By Rev. Scott W. Shepard, PhD Reverend Sam P. Jones Seventy-one years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the birth of a nation, three mothers welcomed three baby boys into the world who would all make front [...]

Rev Sam Jones, Wonder of the Congregations – Rev. Scott W. Shepard, PhD2024-02-29T09:48:28-05:00

Friendship Cemetery Abandoned, but not Forgotten – Trinity Atkins


Trinity Atkins Today, Friendship-Puckett Cemetery can be found south of Cartersville along Highway 293 and Old River Road near the Etowah River. Joe Head, the Etowah Valley Historical Society Vice President, and EVHS served as the beneficiary for my Eagle Scout Project at this site. Friendship Cemetery - Trinity [...]

Friendship Cemetery Abandoned, but not Forgotten – Trinity Atkins2024-01-29T16:16:12-05:00

The Sam Jones Tabernacle – Joe F. Head


The Tabernacle, 1886 – 1933 The Alter Place of Sam Porter Jones’ Old Time Revivals By: Joe F. Head Photo courtesy of the Bartow History Museum Today only a single state historic sign remains as evidence of a legendary tabernacle site that marked Cartersville as once being the [...]

The Sam Jones Tabernacle – Joe F. Head2024-01-29T16:17:44-05:00

The National Road, Interstate 75, and Bartow County – Dr. Lance Barry


The role of Visionary Leadership and the Art of Collaboration By Dr. Lance Barry Since the founding of the United States, our leaders have recognized the connection between the ease of travel and the incremental improvement of commerce, wealth, and security.  The first federally funded road, the National Road, was [...]

The National Road, Interstate 75, and Bartow County – Dr. Lance Barry2024-01-29T16:23:15-05:00

Historic Newspapers of Bartow County – Joe F. Head


By Joe F. Head Historic Newspapers of Bartow County An Annotated List of Historic Newspapers Published in Bartow County Recently Tom Hanks starred in a 2021 movie entitled, News of the World. It was the story of a well-educated, former Civil War soldier who earned his living as an itinerant [...]

Historic Newspapers of Bartow County – Joe F. Head2024-01-29T16:24:06-05:00

Tenant Farming in Bartow County, Josh Reed – Dr. Terry Powis


Understanding Early 20th Century Tenant Farming in Bartow County, Georgia Practicum in Anthropology, Kennesaw State University, Dr. Terry Powis The Adams family house is a historic building situated in Cartersville, Bartow County, Georgia located only a few miles northwest of the Etowah Indian Mounds. The house was constructed on the [...]

Tenant Farming in Bartow County, Josh Reed – Dr. Terry Powis2024-01-29T16:25:11-05:00

The Abandoned “Paupers Cemetery” Bartow County Poor Farm and Paupers Cemetery – Sanford Chandler, Ed.D.


By:  Sanford Chandler, Ed.D. I received a note from Mr. Ronnie Yancey asking for my assistance.  Mr. Yancey was attempting to visit the burial site of one of his relatives in an abandoned cemetery behind Toyo Tire Manufacturing, Company.   He asked if I could assist him in gaining access to [...]

The Abandoned “Paupers Cemetery” Bartow County Poor Farm and Paupers Cemetery – Sanford Chandler, Ed.D.2024-01-29T16:27:21-05:00

The Dark Era of Bartow’s Chain Gang Camps – Joe F. Head


By: Joe F. Head Georgia’s chain gang system operated for almost 100 years and in certain instances concealed ghastly conditions that eventually earned it an infamous reputation for hotspots of dark brutality. Unfortunately, Bartow County equally caught high profile attention regarding cruel convict treatment. Periodically, Bartow camps became the epicenter [...]

The Dark Era of Bartow’s Chain Gang Camps – Joe F. Head2024-01-29T16:28:41-05:00
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