Monthly Archives: April 2019

Bartow’s Tunnel Mining Era Unearthed – Joe F. Head


By Joe F. Head A sincere word of gratitude is extended to Mr. Stan Bearden for his civic mindedness to help bring these finds to the attention of the Etowah Valley Historical Society in the spirit of historic preservation Following the discovery of gold in north Georgia and the 1838 [...]

Bartow’s Tunnel Mining Era Unearthed – Joe F. Head2024-01-29T16:48:15-05:00

Cooking Schools, Canneries and Freezer Lockers – Joe F. Head


Ingredients for Cartersville’s Electric Age By: Joe F. Head As early as May 3, 1900 Cartersville entrepreneurs had launched their first Canning Factory to benefit its citizens. Additionally, an icehouse, freezer locker, two canning factories and local cooking schools were all made possible by electricity. As years followed the community [...]

Cooking Schools, Canneries and Freezer Lockers – Joe F. Head2024-01-29T15:43:45-05:00


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