The following facts are specific to Bartow County history regarding: people, places, events or other unique instances and information relative to this county. The Bartow County seat has also carried two other names: Manassas and Cassville. The three Native American civilizations to occupy this county were: Mississippian Mound Builders, Creek and Cherokee.
In the early 1540’s the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto explored Bartow County during the Mississippian period. Corra White Harris was an author and was America’s first female battlefield war correspondent during WWI. Rebecca Latimer Felton was an American writer, prison reformer and politician who became the first female to serve in the United States Senate. Click here for sample quiz: Each month a random sample of questions will be available for practice. These questions will not necessarily appear on tests, but are offered as practice. Check back each month for new practice questions. Thank you for supporting EVHS and preparing the next generation of Bartow History Scholars [BHS]. For your convenience EVHS has suggested a list of instructional questions for your convenience. Please feel free to develop your own questions or edit these to fit your class, but the questions should not expand beyond the facts listed on the student’s tutorial page.
Bartow History