The Snow Springs School opened around 1905 based on a deed to the Bartow County Board of Education from Henry Rowland recorded Sept 25, 1905. Prior to Snow Springs there was another school on this same site called Davis. Records of the nearby Snow Springs Baptist Church document the organizational meeting for the Church at the Davis School House on August 15, 1886. The Snow Springs School building could very well be the same building used by Davis. Minutes of the June 5, 1917 meeting of the Bartow County Board of Education show that the Trustees of the Snow Springs School agreed to remodel their building, by removing the second story, and placing a room of same dimensions as the original to the south side of the original building, thus making a building 48 feet by 36 feet. Two cloak rooms, one on either side at the front and an open hall or entrance with same width as the cloak rooms were provided. This provided a building with two school rooms of regulation size. This remodel may be evidence that the Davis and Snow Springs buildings were one in the same. Refer to the Davis School (northwest Bartow) for additional information. The Snow Springs School was located about the center of Land Lot 5, 16th District/3rd Section, between Wayside Road and Snow Springs Church Road.
Source: Bartow County Board of Education, Minutes of 06/05/1917; “Bartow County Georgia Heritage Book, Vol. I” by Bartow County Genealogical Society, page 48.
Photos Courtesy of Bartow History Museum