What Happened in 2021
– April 30, Membership Mingle drop-in at Lewis and Susan Tumlin home. EVHS stepped out of the COVID quarantine and enjoyed a wonderful evening at Glen Cove Farm hosted by Lewis and Susan Tumlin. Approximately 100 EVHS members attended and walked thorough the gardens, rock masonry and water features while chatting with fellow members.
– On Thursday July 22 EVHS held a rare exhibiting opening celebrating the history of Pine Log Mountain at the Gold Dome Court House. This exhibit (Spirits on Pine Log Mountain) was a collaborative between Reinhardt University and EVHS. The evening was a full house with over 100 attending the event to hear Dr. Donna Little speak about the topic. The exhibit remained open three days a week through Labor Day attracting another 100 plus visitors. Following its removal a virtual version was posted on the EVHS Bartow Author’s Corner page.
– Saltpeter Cave was visited once again by EVHS. The event sold out and five tours were conducted on September 25th. Joel Sneed and the Clock Tower Rome Grotto conducted tours for over 60 attendees. (This was a Members only event requiring masks on vans and temps were checked at registration prior to departure to the cave.)
-Oct 2, (Saturday Only) 2021 – Allatoona Pass Remembrance. Free, Open to the public. Due to COVID and available personnel the event was reduced to only one day. Approximately 100 people attended to learn of its history and see demonstrations including re-enactors, uniforms, cannon firing, rifle firing, troop drills, camp set ups and the sounds of drum and fife.
What Happened in 2020
Thursday February 6. EVHS celebrated Black History month with a spiritual experience of The Sounds of Africa. The concert filled the First Presbyterian Church with 200 attendees who enjoyed a combination of dance, readings and authentic black music. The performance was a moving celebration of powerful voices that filled everyone with joy and appreciation of black gospel. Public support to repeat the event was overwhelming.
Annual Tribute – October 3 and 4, Saturday/Sunday, Allatoona Pass Battlefield program was conducted as an outdoor event – 9:00 4:00 Saturday and 9:00 to 3:00 on Sunday (Please wear a mask)
What Happened in 2019
Sunday September 15, approximately 90 EVHS members enjoyed a Dot Beavers T bone steak dinner at the Tilley Mill property owned by Joe and Betty Jane Tilley. EVHS learned about a once thriving grist mill industry that once existed in the county and the history of Georgia BBQ presented by Jim Auchmutey.
Thursday June 13, Family History forum. The Cartersville Library and EVHS jointly sponsored this Community forum. Attendees shared stories and learned about resources, tips and genealogy. Open to the public.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday May 17, 18 and 19 EVHS hosted the Salt Peter Cave Exploration. Approximately 90 members enjoyed exploring this legendary cave lead by caver, Joel Sneed. Six tours were shuttled from the 1903 Gold Dome Court House ranging from 12 to 18 members per tour.
Sunday May 5, EVHS hosted the 5th annual Bartow History Scholar Quiz Bowl. Approximately 145 people attended the event at Sam Jones Methodist Church. Cass Middle won bragging rights for the 4th consecutive year, Adairsville Middle took 2nd place and Cartersville won 3rd place. Adairsville also took home the audience attendance prize.
Sunday April 14, Granger Home Open House . Following the A. O. Granger Lecture the Don Evans, Jr. family invited EVHS members to personally visit the home. Approximately 70 members toured the home.
Thursday April 4, 6:30, A. O. Granger Home, Ed Carlton Great, Great Grandson. Cartersville Library. Approximately 120 people attended a lecture and reception about the storied home of General Sherman’s private secretary who returned to Cartersville following the Civil War and built the Overlook with a state of the art telescope.
March 23, EVHS members only topped Ladd’s Mountain to enjoy the views once again. Approximately 60 members hiked the trail, saw the Etowah Valley, enjoyed a sunny morning and learned of the history from archeologist, Scot Keith. The event was captured on drone video by Mark Godfrey and posted on the EVHS Facebook page.
Tuesday March 5, 6:30, Bartow’s Tunnel Mining Age, presented by Stan Bearden and Joe Head. Open to the public, this program was held at the impressive Komatsu Corporation facility and was a perfect match for the topic. An attendance of 116 enjoyed a lecture about the origin of mining in Bartow County that emerged from an era of tunnel mining between 1840 through the 1930’s. Geology, ore samples, tunnel mining practices and tragedies were presented that informed the audience on how tunnels were first used to extract ore in Bartow County.
Tuesday February 26, 6:00, A Taste of Africa, EVHS celebrated a first to recognize Black History Month with a Taste of Africa at the Stiles Auditorium. A sold out event of 100 attendees enjoyed exhibits, foods and lecture by Alexis Carter-Callahan
What happened in 2018
November 3-4, Tour of Homes at Adairsville’s Society Hill – Saturday, 10-4; Sunday 12-4. EVHS partnered with Adairsville’s San Souci Women’s Club to show case six of the cities most historic homes. Alexander-Dodd home, Bridges-Holder home, Bishop-Bradley home, Abramoon- Antonie home, McCollum Manor and the storied childhood home of Pretty Boy Floyd. (Funded in part by the Cartersville-Bartow County Convention & Visitors Bureau)
October 12, Annual Membership Meeting. Approximately 65 members attended the meeting at Grand Oaks. Among other items two new Board members were confirmed, financial report was shared, the year in review activities was mention and other announcements.
October 6 -7, Allatoona Pass Battlefield Living History – Visitors enjoyed continuous self guided and scheduled tours between 9:00 and 4:00pm Saturday and noon and 4 Sunday. Walking trail of approximately 1. 1/4 miles. Infantry, artillery demonstrations were conducted over the weekend with Confederate and Union drills including a skirmish in the woods. (Funded in part by the Cartersville-Bartow County Convention & Visitors Bureau)
On Thursday, September 20th, approximately 90 attendees heard Mary Norton present the history of the Georgia Genetics Institute and nomination status for Alphabet Collins to be inducted into the UGA Agricultural Hall of Fame. The program was held at the Stiles Auditorium. (Old Cherokee Ave. School)
On Sunday May 6, 2018 the Bartow History Scholar Middle School Quiz Bowl was held at the Sam Jones Methodist Church Celebration Hall Family Life Center at 2:00 to 4:00. Approximately 150 were in attendance. Cass Middle School became a “Triple Crown” winner having taken honors for a third straight year.
On Sunday April 29, over 130 EVHS members enjoyed a family friendly field picnic to Spring Bank near Kingston, the former home site of Charles Wallace Howard and founder of Howard Hydraulic Cement Company. Spring Bank was also a private school where Frances Howard taught Martha Berry in her early years. Everyone enjoyed hotdogs catered by the Varsity food truck and attendees were treated to a demonstration by the Cartersville High School Drone Club of arial views of the property. (Funded in part by the Cartersville-Bartow County Convention & Visitors Bureau)
On Saturday March 17, some 50 EVHS hikers once again took the top of Ladd’s Mountain. Everyone enjoyed a beautiful day beginning with chicken biscuits, cheese grits, coffee and juice. A lecture was held at the beginning by Scott Keith, archeologist about the Native Americans who once occupied the area followed by comments from Stan Bearden, geologist who spoke about the natural minerals and terrain of the mountain.
February 24, Memories Day – EVHS participated in the first African American Quilt Documentation Project at George Washington Carver State Park, first African American State Park in Georgia at Lake Allatoona formerly known as Bartow Carver State Park. (Funded in part by the Cartersville-Bartow County Convention & Visitors Bureau)
What happened in 2017
December 1 EVHS members enjoyed the annual Christmas Dinner at the legendary Rose Lawn home of Reverend Sam Jones. Dinner was catered by Grand Oaks and attendees were entertained by the music of the Stephen Lee Band.
November 9, 6:30 Jim Langford presented part II of “When the World Came Crashing Down,” follow up lecture on the post- Desoto Apocalypse Exploration in northwest Georgia at the Gold Dome Court House. Approximately 110 attendees enjoyed a reception prior to lecture. EVHS showcased a sneak peak at the African American Quilt Documentation Project during the lecture event.
October 21, Sugar Hill Mining Ruins Hike/Lecture near Rydal, Georgia. EVHS members enjoyed a hike to the former mining village. Vicki W. Crowe lectured to a crowed of 50 at the former mining community. Members also visited the village ruins and Iron Belt Railroad.
Allatoona Pass Commemoration. EVHS along with the DNR and Corp of Engineers hosted demonstrations and lectures regarding Bartow County’s most bloody battle that occurred October 5, 1864. The event occurred October 7 and was canceled on the 8th due to heavy rains.
Annual Meeting and Dinner. EVHS held its annual membership meeting October 6 at Grand Oaks. Sixty five members heard updates about year in review activities, budget, Quiz Bowl, African American Quilt project, Cookbook project and other coming events.
Book Signing: EVHS hosted John Brooke on August 9 at the Downtown Development Authority Depot for the release of his book, Sagas of Stamp Creek and Sutalee.
Picnic/lecture: 85 to 90 EVHS members visited “In the Valley”, former property (659 Mount Pleasant Road, Rydal, GA 30171) of Corra Harris. All enjoyed a lecture, refreshments and box dinner. Attendees toured the grounds and enjoyed a lecture by KSU intern Jordan Gentry regarding a rare collection of personal letters written by Corra Harris.
Quiz Bowl: The 3rd annual Bartow History Scholar Quiz Bowl was held on Sunday May 7 at Sam Jones United Methodist Church. Cass Middle School won first place in a back to back set of wins for 2016 and 2017. Cartersville took second place and Adairsville took third. Cartersville Middle won the audience attendance prize. Approximately 150 people attended the event. A reception was held at Grand Oaks for all attendees.
Mining Lecture: On March 7, 2017 at 6:30 EVHS celebrated the history of Emerson’s Bartow Iron and Furnace Company at Lake Point Station where the mining company town of Bartow once thrived. The lecture reviewed the former Bartow Iron Works and Tennessee, Iron, Coal and Railroad Company operations once located at this site. The program was presented by Stan Bearden, David Archer, Bill Popham and Joe Head. The event was held at Lake Point Station and showcased how Lake Point has worked with EVHS to integrate Bartow history into entertainment venues. The program included an update of the Lake Point Sports development by Founder, Neal Freeman and Lake Point Station Manager, Richard Walters.
Encore Hike: EVHS returned to Ladd’s Mountain and sponsored a hike on March 4, Saturday, 9:30. Over 70 members attended this repeat hike per popular demand. Scot Keith from New South Archeology lectured at the top of the mountain regarding the Native American occupation, former rock wall ceremonial structure and its connection to the nearby Leake Native American site.
What happened in 2016
December 2, 2016 – Annual Christmas and Holiday Member Dinner at Roselawn.
November 5 and 6, 2016 – Tour of Homes. All homes were featured on West Avenue. Over 400 people attended the tour and visited the following homes.
1. Arnold Tillman’s former home, now owned by Larry Pritchard. Larry is known for his decorating talents, he was showcased in a publication years ago when he lived in Atlanta. 2 Attaway Drive
2. Gay Dellinger’s former home, now Brenda and Reid Dunn’s. 745 West Avenue.
3. Gay Dellinger’s mother’s house, the Pettit Home. Now owned and occupied by Ansley and Jay Choate. 633 West Avenue
November 2016, Jim Langford lectured on “When the World Came Crashing Down” at the Cartersville Library. Approximately 120 attendees enjoyed Native American foods and learned about Hernando De Soto’s expedition to northwest Georgia and Bartow County.
October 29, Hike to Upper Stamp Creek. This hike to the Stamp Creek Furnace Ruins included the Jones Buggy Factory ruins as well. Approximately 46 EVHS members attended this event and all enjoyed a lecture from Mr. Michael Bearden regarding the iron furnace industry and Jones Buggy and Carriage ruins.
October 8, 2016 – History Fund Raiser at Valley View: Where Southern Legends Come Alive. EVHS members and guests enjoyed a sold out fund raiser at the antebellum home place of Bob and Mary Norton. EVHS sponsored this event to support our Oral History and Bartow History Scholar projects among other preservation initiatives. Dinner was served followed by entertainment and a silent auction. Early estimates indicate that $24.000 was raised after expenses.
October 7, 2016 – Annual Membership Meeting and Dinner, Reception at 6:00, program at 6:30, dinner at 7:00. Officers were elected, activities for the most busy year in EVHS history were reviewed, Cass Middle School Quiz Bowl History Coach, Blake Fallin addressed the membership and VP Joe Head was named as an EVHS Life Time Achievement recipient.
October 1 and 2, 2016 – Allatoona Pass Battlefield.
July 26 Book Signing. Texas author Donna Dicksson presented her book, Mattie Lee Price the Georgia Wonder at the Stiles Auditorium (old Cherokee Avenue School/UGA Extension Office) on Tuesday evening July 26. Reception at 6:00, program at 6:30. Over 50 people attended this presentation and learned about a young Bartow woman from the 1880’s who became a world performer and appeared with Harry Houdini. Open to the public.
Ladd’s Mountain Hike
More than 150, EVHS members enjoyed 3 hikes to the top of Ladd’s Mountain during April, 2016. Participants saw the Etowah Valley view from the cliff side of Ladd’s Mountain and heard history about lime mining and the Native Americans who once occupied the mountain and stone ceremonial structure.
Salt Peter Cave Exploration
Over 75 EVHS members visited this legendary cave first hand and saw history up close and personal guided by veteran spelunker, Joel Sneed. On April 16/17 and May 30, 2016 – five tours were scheduled over two weekends for EVHS members only to visit the largest cave in Bartow County. Participants brought a flash light, gloves, hard hat, wore deep tread shoes, long pants and optional long sleeve shirts to traverse the cave.
May 15, 2016 – Bartow History Scholar Middle School Quiz Bowl. Some 150 attended the 2nd annual Quiz Bowl at Sam Jones Methodist Church Celebration Hall. Cass Middle School won first place, Cartersville Middle took 2nd and South Central Middle came away with 3rd place.
March 10, 2016 – Lecture: De Soto in Northwest Georgia , When the World Came Crashing Down. EVHS hosted Jim Langford at the Cartersville/Bartow Public Library as he shared the story of when Hernando De Soto explored the new world and came through Bartow County. Approximately 110 people attended the lecture.
February 27, 2016 – Bartow Carver State Park Memories Day celebrated earlier days and events that were held at the first state African American Park. This family friendly homecoming event included music, activities, refreshments, fellowship, and an opportunity to share your memories.
February 11, 2016 – Sketches of Bartow, book signing was held at the Cartersville Depot, 4:00 to 7:00pm. Author, J. B. Tate was on hand to sign copies and discussed his latest work. Approximately 100 people attended the event.
What happened in 2015
December 4, 2015 – Christmas Dinner at Roselawn, 6:00. EVHS members enjoyed an elegant evening meal prepared by Ray Thacker of Grand Oaks and music by Steven Lee of Atlanta. Approximately 65 attendees were greeted at Rose Lawn (the former home of Rev. Sam Jones) by Santa Claus and marveled at the holiday decorations done by Jane Drew. Announcements were made by co-presidents Dianne Tate and Joanne S. Pugh followed by an invocation offered by Rev. Louis Tonsmier. All were alerted to watch for J. B. Tate’s new book, Sketches of Bartow County coming out by Christmas 2015. Copies available through EVHS.
October 9, 2015 – Annual Dinner at Grand Oaks, 6:30. EVHS held its annual dinner to nominate and elect open board positions, present awards to volunteers and hear a key note presentation from Woodland Middle School Quiz Bowl coach, Jody Prescott Taylor.
October 3 and 4, 2015 – Battle of Allatoona Pass Re-enactment
September 13, 2015 – Dabbs Native American Dig Site.
EVHS members enjoyed an exclusive picnic, lecture and hayride at a program made possible by the Dabbs and Cummings families. EVHS VP, Joe Head introduced speakers Dr. Terry Powis and Patrick Serverts who described excavation and findings.
The picnic program preceded a fun wagon ride to a newly discovered Native American occupational archaeological site being conducted by Kennesaw State University faculty and students.
May 17, 2015 – First ever Bartow History Scholar Quiz Bowl. Local Middle Schools competed for the county championship at the Clarence Brown Conference Center on Sunday afternoon at 2:00. Woodland Middle earned first place bragging rights for 2015 with Cass Middle taking second and Adairsville Middle coming in third. Additionally, EVHS recognized nearly 100 top 8th grade performers among five middle schools for participation in the BHS program.
EVHS appreciates our BHS Quiz Bowl sponsors (Gold level – NW GA Community Foundation, Wells Fargo, Cartersville Medical Center, Silver level – Grand Oaks, Century Bank, Shaw Industries, Bronze level – Chemical Products Corporation.
March 24, 2015 – Lecture: “Forgotten and Lost Communities of Bartow County.” Guy Parmenter and Joe Head presented research on the many rural communities that once dotted the county. Some 50 communities have been identified. Attendees learned how these communities, schools and churches were first established and saw a demonstration on how to use the EVHS website to find these communities for themselves.
Cassville Tour of Homes
EVHS partnered with the Cassville History Society to host a tour of homes in honor of the Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War. November 1 – 3, 1014.
What happened in 2014
The Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War in Bartow County
Sesquicentennial tributes were held for the year including a series of articles that appeared in the local Daily Tribune News, Civil War lectures, re-enactments, tours and dinners.
Taylorsville High School monument dedication | April |
Civil War lectures, David Archer | Spring & Fall |
Georgia Ramble Tour of Homes | May |
Tumlin Family History, Richard Wright, Roselawn | June |
Rowland Springs Marker Dedication | August |
Recognition of the first Bartow History Scholars | June |
Fall Annual Meeting at Grand Oaks | October 10 |
Allatoona Pass Battlefield | October 4 & 5 |
Cassville Tour of Homes | November 1 & 2 |
Annual Christmas Party at Sam Jones Roselawn | December 5 |
What happened in 2013
EVHS Holiday Dinner at RoseLawn Museum
Friday December 6th, 2013
EVHS members and guests enjoyed a beautiful holiday evening at RoseLawn. The Museum was in full holiday decorations. We enjoyed a lovely dinner catered by Ray Thacker with Grand Oaks. We had (back by demand) lovely music and dancing by Stephen Lee. Thank you all for coming. It was a beautiful evening! Merry Christmas!
EVHS Annual Dinner at Grand Oaks
Friday October 11th, 2013
EVHS held their 41st Annual Dinner at Ray Thacker’s Grand Oaks Friday evening. Guests enjoyed refreshments and a program in the beautiful back garden. Guests were also treated to lovey piano playing by Jean Robinson. This evening is our annual business meeting. Three Board Members were elected, Guy Parmenter, Larry Posey, and Bob Redwine. Our many, many volunteers were recognized. Mary Norton has been appointed Adviser to the Board. Joe Head demonstrated the Bartow History Scholar Program. Linda Cochran was recognized for her exceptional volunteer work in managing the EVHS office. Thank you all who attended this lovely evening!
EVHS Partners with Georgia State Parks to visit Allatoona Pass
Saturday & Sunday October 5th & 6th, 2013
EVHS partners with Georgia State Parks to recognize the anniversary of Allatoona Pass Battlefield. At 10:00 am – 4:00 pm on Saturday and 11:00 am – 3:00 pm on Sunday guests enjoyed photos and artifacts from the Civil War Period. Rein actors were the main attraction with demonstrations of life at that time. Rifle and Cannon fire were heard throughout the Pass. This event was free and open to the public.
EVHS visits the Tumlin Farm and enjoys an evening lecture with Richard Wright
Saturday August 24th, 2013 – The Etowah Valley Historical Society visited the lovely Tumlin grounds near the Indian Mounds. The evening included a lecture by historian Richard Wright outlining the relationship between Farrish Carter, William T. Sherman and Lewis Tumlin. Refreshments were served and over 120 people were in attendance. Our guests enjoyed touring the beautiful 1830’s home and were swept away by the dramatic gardens on the property. A special thank you to the Tumlin’s for sharing their home with us.
EVHS & The EVHS Oral History Committee held a sold out event at “An Evening at Valley View”
Saturday June 8th, 2013 – The Etowah Valley Historical Society visited historic Valley View, the antebellum home of the Norton family. Valley View’s doors were open to welcome guests to a silent auction, tours of the home, dinner by Johnny Mitchell and music by Stephen Lee Band. The sold out event generated approximately $5,000.00 for the Oral History Committee. Thank you to all the attendees and donors that made this evening so special!
About the Oral History Committee: Oral histories are recorded on DVDs from the life and times of beloved Bartow County citizens in order to preserve a firsthand historical account for the benefit of the living and of posterity. Each DVD costs a minimum of $250.00 for the professional recording of the interview. Onsite use of the Oral History Archive of interviews is available at the Cartersville Public Library, the Bartow History Museum and the library of the Etowah Valley Historical Society.
EVHS sponsors an evening at the Gold Dome Courthouse with The Georgia Trust
Tuesday April 16. 2013 – The Etowah Valley Historical Society proudly welcomed speaker Mr. Mark McDonald, President and CEO of The Georgia Trust. The event was held in the newly refurbished upstairs Courtroom in our beautiful 1903 Gold Dome Courthouse. Mr. McDonald spoke of “Places in Peril” in Bartow County Georgia including The Stilesboro Academy. EVHS also honored the Ladies of the Stilesboro Improvement Club for their dedication and long term commitment to Stilesboro. Mr. Harvey Evans was also recognized for his dedication in preserving our heritage through his work on the Courthouse. Guests enjoyed the Courthouse balcony and doors opened wide and they enjoyed refreshments on the porches. Thank you for all who attended this evening!
EVHS & Etowah Indian Mounds held a sold out Barbacoa Event at the Mounds
Saturday April 6, 2013 – The Etowah Valley Historical Society proudly partnered with the Friends of Etowah Indian Mounds and Georgia State Parks to hold a Barbacoa Dinner and Silent Auction at the Etowah Indian Mounds. The event was sold out and we raised almost $4,000.00 for the Mounds. Proceeds will go towards a new roof on the Wattle and Daub hut as well as other projects. Guests enjoyed a beautiful evening with the torches lit all around the mounds, the bonfire roaring, stories by storyteller Gary Greene, wonderful speaker Debbie Wallsmith and hayrides. The evening included a lovely creative dinner catered by Johnny Mitchell’s which included Carnitas, slow roasted pork, and the “three sisters”, corn, beans and squash. This was a modern twist on a dinner the Indians may have eaten. Thank you to all the attendees and donors that made this evening such a success!
EVHS Unveils New Website at Annual Meeting
October 12, 2012 – The Etowah Valley Historical Society proudly introduced its highly anticipated new Internet site at the society’s annual meeting held at Grand Oaks. The idea to create a new site originated at the board of director’s planning session last November. The project kicked off at the beginning of this year, and the many hours of teamwork and dedication were on display Friday night.
The web committee, consisting of board members and advisers, set out with the goal of creating a site that would be current, relevant, and a valuable asset for all members of the society. The result is a website that is one of the best for any historical society in the southeast. Most importantly, it is a place to preserve the rich heritage of our community through photos, stories, maps, and videos for future generations.
The job of building the site went to Stephanie True Moss of True Moss Communications, Inc. Web committee member Tom Etheridge said
“I’ve worked with numerous web developers in the past and Stephanie is the best. She did an amazing job of turning the committee’s ideas into reality.”
EVHS board members Joanne Smith, Guy Parmenter, Sally Tonsmeier, Joe Head and Larry Posey worked tirelessly on transferring information from the prior site and creating new content. Advisor to the board Linda Gray was instrumental in overseeing many operational aspects of the site.
While many great ideas were generated in the initial planning sessions, perhaps the most influential for the benefit of youth and future EVHS members came from Joe Head. Joe worked with administrators and teachers from the county and city school systems to create the Bartow History Scholars section of the new site. The BHS tab allows students to receive extra credit for answering questions pertaining to our local history. This inventive approach allows the students and teachers to connect in a platform that is exciting to both.
With these new tools, the future is certainly bright for the Etowah Valley Historical Society.