The Oak Grove community came into existence out of a need for a Methodist Church in the
Macedonia community. The original settlers of Macedonia were primarily Baptists, organizing
the Macedonia Baptist Church in 1842. A church building and school followed in 1845. After the
Civil War, community inhabitants of the Methodists faith organized their own church in October,
According to The Tribune – News in 1923, “The school (Macedonia school) was broken up
but after the war these good people got together to reconstruct and rebuild on a firmer basis.
They moved the school nearer the center of the community and called it “Oak Hill”. As the
school outgrew the house, they had to build a much larger one, which they placed just below
the Methodist Church, near the pond, or lake, and called it “Oak Grove” School. At this time
the Methodists formed a church here , worshipping in the school building until they built them a
house. It was in this school house that Sam Jones preached on his first circuit.”
The original Oak Grove Methodist Church was built in 1887 on two acres of land deeded to
them by Levi D. Jolly. The building was constructed from timber on the new site and located
about one hundred yards southwest of the school, presumed to be the “Oak Hill” school referred
to in The Tribune – News article. The new “Oak Grove” School replaced the older “Oak Hill”
School around 1912. This newer school was constructed about five hundred yards west of the
older school.
A tornado completely destroyed both the Oak Grove Methodist and Macedonia Baptist churches
on March 21, 1932, Both were rebuilt and are in use today. The Oak Grove School was only
slightly damaged by the Tornado and remained in use until around 1838 at which time the
schools in Bartow County consolidated. Typical of the old community schools, Oak Grove
included one large room with folding doors separating into two classrooms. Stoves using coal
provided heat, kerosene lamps provided light and a cistern provided water. The old school was
eventually torn down.
Source: Macedonia by Bell Bayless, The Tribune – News, Cartersville, GA, November 8, 1923;
The History of Euharlee by The Euharlee History Committee, pages 461 and 470.