Mrs. Brame’s Female School
School in Cartersville established in 1871 by Mrs. Sarah Frances Brame and operated out of M.G. Dobbins’ house on Main St. Teachers at this school included Mrs. Ware, Miss Isa Williams, and Miss Mamie Ware. Advertised in 1885. Mrs. Brame was the aunt of Mrs. J.W. Harris, a fellow teacher in Bartow County, and Asa Candler, the founder of Coca-Cola. Mrs. Brame was an honor graduate of Mary Sharp College and member of faculty there after her graduation. Mrs. Brame’s Female School offered schooling out of a primary department, preparatory department, academic department, and music (specifically piano and vocals) department, as well as, courses in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and French. An ad for this school in the Standard and Express on August 15, 1872 claimed that board could be obtained “in the best families in the town, convenient to the Academy, at reasonable rates.” STANDARD AND EXPRESS 8/15/1872.