DAVIS (Northwest Bartow)
The Davis School was in operation on August 15, 1886 as a group of citizens met at the Davis School House to organize the Snow Springs Baptist Church. The Davis school was located at the bottom of the hill below the church between Wayside Road and Snow Springs Church Road. A list of schools in the Bartow School Board minutes of September 7, 1915, lists both a Snow Springs School and a Davis School. However, Bartow County also had a Davis School in the southern half of the County. No school Board minutes exist prior to April, 1915 so in theory, the name was changed to the Snow Springs School by the Snow Springs Community when applying for acceptance with the Bartow County Board of Education around 1905. The original Davis School name would have been derived from the person or family providing the land for the school and/or the school itself. Future deed research may disclose that donor. Refer to the Snow Springs School for additional information.
DAVIS (South Bartow)
Research on this school is incomplete.
Source: Bartow County Board of Education, Minutes of 09/07/1915; “Bartow County Georgia Heritage Book, Vol. I” by Bartow County Genealogical Society, page 48.