Damascus Missionary Baptist Church was established in November of 1873. It was housed in a small building on the east side of Emerson, where a large population of African-Americans lived at the time. They moved to their present site on the west side of Emerson later and built their first true church building. Their present building was constructed on the same site and completed in 1962. There is no known cemetery associated with the church at either location. Damascus Missionary Baptist Church is located at 174 Gasden Westbrook Ave, Emerson, GA 30137, which is viewable on the Bartow Baptist Churches map at https://goo.gl/maps/9uTux1G4ZvQ2. They currently hold services 9:45 am and 11 am on Sunday, and Bible Study at 6:30 pm on Wednesday. More information about the church is located at http://www.damascusmbc.com/.

Linley, Sandra. “Schedule of Services.” DMBC- Damascus Missionary Baptist Church. Accessed August 15, 2018. http://www.damascusmbc.com/services.html.
Shaw, Margaret. Freedom. Cartersville, GA, 2004. Available at the Bartow History Museum Archives.
Written and researched by Amy Young, Kennesaw State University Intern, Fall 2018.