The Dabbs School was built along Pumpkin Vine Creek near the Paulding County line prior to the turn of
the twentieth century. A deed dated January 9, 1900 was conveyed to the Bartow County Board of
Education by Georgia Graves, Thomas J. Dabbs, and C. Douglas Dabbs containing the existing Dabbs
School house and the one acre of land on which it sat. Board records do not exist prior to April, 1915,
therefore additional documentation about this school may be nonexistent. A list of County schools
published in the Board minutes dated September 7, 1915, does not show this school, therefore it may
have closed one or more years prior. The Dabbs School was located in Land Lot 1254, 4th District/3rd
Section of Bartow County.
Source: Bartow County Board of Education, Minutes of 09/07/1915.